Arch4J generator 1.1


ABSTRACT - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
accessModifier - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
The access control modifier.
addConstructor(JavaConstructorDefinition) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add a constructor method definition to the source file.
addConstructors(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add a list of constructor methods to the source file.
addException(JavaType) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Add an exception that is thrown by the function.
addException(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Add an exception that is thrown by the function.
addExceptions(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Add a list of exceptions that are thrown by the function.
addField(JavaFieldDefinition) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add a class or instance variable (field) to the source file.
addFields(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add a list of class or instance variables (fields) to the source file.
addImplementedInterface(JavaType) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Add an interface that is implemented by the object.
addImplementedInterface(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Add an interface that is implemented by the object.
addImplementedInterfaces(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Add a list of interfaces that are implemented by the object.
addImport(JavaType) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add an import directive for the source file.
addImport(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add an import directive for the source file.
addImports(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add a list of import directives for the source file.
addMethod(JavaMethodDefinition) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add a method definition to the source file.
addMethods(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Add a list of methods to the source file.
addParameter(JavaIdentifier) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Add a formal parameter that is passed to the function.
addParameter(String, int, String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Add a formal parameter that is passed to the function.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Add a formal parameter that is passed to the function.
addParameters(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Add a list of formal parameters that are passed to the function.
addSuperInterface(JavaType) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Add an interface that this interface extends.
addSuperInterface(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Add an interface that this interface extends.
addSuperInterfaces(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Add a list of interfaces that this interface extends.
append(Object) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append obj to the buffer.
append(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append text to the buffer.
appendAndStartBlock(Object) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append obj to the buffer and start a block.
appendAndStartBlock(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append text to the buffer.
appendBlankLine() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append the representation of a newline directly to the buffer.
appendBlankLines(int) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append count newlines directly to the buffer.
appendLine(Object) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append obj to the buffer.
appendLine(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append obj to the buffer.
appendLine(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append text to the buffer.
appendLine(String, boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append text to the buffer.
appendLines(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append the lines contained in multiLineText one at a time to the receiver.
appendMultiLineComment(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append the lines contained in multiLineText one at a time to the receiver within a multi-line comment block.
appendMultiLineCommentLines(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append the lines contained in multiLineText one at a time to the receiver within an already started multi-line comment block.
appendSingleLineComment(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append the line contained in commentText to the receiver within a single-line comment block.
appendSingleLineCommentLines(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append the lines contained in multiLineText one at a time to the receiver, each preceded by the single-line comment string.
appendSpace() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append the representation of a space directly to the buffer.
appendSpaces(int) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append count spaces directly to the buffer.
appendTab() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append the representation of a tab directly to the buffer.
appendTabs() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append an appropriate number of tabs for the current indent level directly to the buffer.
appendTabs(int) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Append count tabs directly to the buffer.
assertTypeList(String, List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorTest


BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants
BOOLEAN_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The boolean primitive data type.
braceOnSameLine() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Opening braces will now appear at the end of the current line when a new block is started.
BYTE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants
BYTE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The byte primitive data type.


capitalizeVariableName(String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorUtility
Capitalize the given variable name.
CATCH - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
CHAR - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants
CHAR_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The char primitive data type.
checkContents() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Perform a set of tasks to prepare the source file for generation.
CLASS - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
classComment - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
A comment describing the source file.
className - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
The class name for this constructor.
codeBlock - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
The statements and code representing the body of the function.
CodeBuffer - class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer.
This class is used to cleanly format code into a StringBuffer.
CodeBuffer() - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Creates a new CodeBuffer instance.
CodeBuffer(int) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Creates a new CodeBuffer instance with the given indentation level.
comment - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
A descriptive line of comments.
constructors - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
A list of constructor methods, of type JavaConstructorDefinition.
convertPackageToPath(String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorUtility
Convert the package name to a relative path name that can be used to create a file.
convertStringListToTypeList(List) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorUtility
Convert a list (possibly) containing String objects to a list containing JavaType objects.
convertVariableToParameter(String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorUtility
Convert the variable name to a name that can be used as a formal parameter name.
copyrightComment - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
The comment that can be used as a separate copyright comment.
countLines(String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorUtility
Return the number of lines in the given multi-line text string.


DEFAULT_ACCESS - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
Default or package access is denoted by not specifying anything.
DEFAULT_CODE_BLOCK - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
The code block to use for the default constructor.
defaultConstructorFor(String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Create a new default constructor with the specified class name.
defaultConstructorFor(String, JavaAccessModifier, String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Create a new default constructor with the specified comment, access control modifier, and class name.
defaultConstructorFor(String, JavaAccessModifier, String, String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Create a new default constructor with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, and code block.
defaultConstructorFor(String, String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Create a new default constructor with the specified class name and code block.
defaultConstructorFor(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Create a new default constructor with the specified comment, access control modifier, and class name.
defaultConstructorFor(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Create a new default constructor with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, and code block.
DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants
DOUBLE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The double primitive data type.


END_JAVADOC - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The String representing the end of a javadoc comment.
endBlock() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
End a code block.
endMultiLineComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
End a multi-line comment block.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Returns true if this data type is equal to another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
Returns true if this access modifier is equal to another object.
exceptions - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
A list of exceptions thrown, expressed as JavaType objects.
EXTENDS - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants


FALSE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
field - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
fields - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
A list of class or instance variables, of type JavaFieldDefinition.
FILE_DELIMITER - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The String representation to use for the directory/file separator.
FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
The standard Java file extension.
FINAL - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
FINALLY - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
FLOAT - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants
FLOAT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The float primitive data type.


gatherImports() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Gather additional imports from the various parts of the source file.
generate() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Generate the Java source file.
generateClassComments(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the class comments to the given CodeBuffer.
generateClassDefinition(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the class or interface definition to the given CodeBuffer.
generateConstructors(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the constructor method definitions to the given CodeBuffer.
generateCopyrightComments(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the copyright comments to the given CodeBuffer.
generateEndOfFile(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the end of class string to the given CodeBuffer.
generateFields(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the class or instance variable field definitions to the given CodeBuffer.
generateFullImports(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
generateImports(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the import directives to the given CodeBuffer.
generateMethods(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the method definitions to the given CodeBuffer.
generatePackage(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the package statement to the given CodeBuffer.
generateSettersAndGetters(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Write the setter and getter method definitions to the given CodeBuffer.
generateSource() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Generate the Java source representation of the source file as a multi-line String.
generateStarredImports(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
GeneratorConstants - interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants.
This interface defines a collection of constants available to the code generator.
GeneratorTest - class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorTest.
GeneratorTest(String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorTest
GeneratorUtility - class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorUtility.
This class contains utility helper methods used by the code generators.
getAccessModifier() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Returns the access control modifier.
getArrayDimension() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns how many dimensions the array has, assuming the identifier is an array.
getArrayDimension() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns how many dimensions the array has, assuming the field is an array.
getClassName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Returns the constructor's class name.
getCodeBlock() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns the statements defining the body of the function.
getComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Returns the comment.
getDefaultComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
getDefaultComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns a simple, descriptive, one line comment for the function.
getDefaultComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
getDefinition() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Returns a String containing the Java source representation of the definition.
getExceptions() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns a List of exceptions thrown by the function.
getField() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns the field's identifier.
getFormattedComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns a formatted javadoc comment for the function.
getGetter() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns a String containing the Java source representation of the getter.
getGetterAccessModifier() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns the access control modifier for the getter.
getImplementedInterfaces() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Returns a List of interfaces implemented by the object.
getImports() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Returns a list of potential import types for the object.
getImports() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
getImports() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
getImports() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns a list of potential import types for the function.
getImports() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns a list of potential import types for the field.
getImports() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Returns a list of potential import types for the definition.
getImports() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
getInitializer() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns the field's initializer.
getJavaType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns the identifier's underlying type object.
getMethodIdentifier() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns the method's identifier.
getName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns the method's name.
getName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Returns the name of this interface.
getName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns the identifier's name.
getName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns the field's name.
getName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Returns the name of this class.
getObjectKeyword() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Returns the object keyword for the object.
getObjectKeyword() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
getObjectKeyword() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
getObjectName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Returns the Java type that represents the object.
getPackage() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Returns the type's package name.
getPackageName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns the method's return type package name.
getPackageName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Returns the package within which this interface is defined.
getPackageName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns the identifier's package name.
getPackageName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns the field's package name.
getPackageName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Returns the package within which this class is defined.
getParameters() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns a List of formal parameters.
getReturnComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
getReturnComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns a javadoc @return string.
getReturnComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
getSetter() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns a String containing the Java source representation of the setter.
getSetterAccessModifier() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns the access control modifier for the setter.
getSuperClass() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Returns the Java type that represents the class that this class extends.
getSuperClassName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Returns the name of the class that this class extends.
getSuperInterfaces() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Returns a List of interfaces that this interface extends.
getterAccessModifier - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
The getter's access modifier.
getType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Returns the type's name.
getType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns the method's return type.
getType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns a String object representing the identifier's type.
getType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns the field's type.
getType(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns a String object representing the identifier's type.
getTypeName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns the identifier's type name.


hasComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Returns whether the definition has a comment or not.
hasExceptions() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns whether the function has exceptions or not.
hashCode() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Returns a hash code value for this JavaType.
hashCode() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
Returns a hash code value for this JavaAccessModifier.
hasPackage() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Returns whether the type has a package specified or not.
hasPackageName() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns whether the identifier has a package name or not.
hasParameters() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns whether the function has parameters or not.
hasReturnType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
hasReturnType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Returns whether the function has a return type or not.
hasReturnType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition


implementedInterfaces - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
A list of implemented interfaces, expressed as JavaType objects.
IMPLEMENTS - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
IMPORT - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
importFullClassNames - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Use fully qualified class names in import statements? Default = false.
imports - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
A list of imported classes, expressed as JavaType objects.
INDENT - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The String representation to use for a logical tab.
initializer - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
The initializer expression, without the = assignment operator.
INT - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants
INT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The int primitive data type.
INTERFACE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
isAbstract - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Is the method abstract? Default = false.
isAbstract - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Is the class abstract? Default = false.
isAbstract() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Returns whether the object is abstract or not.
isAbstract() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns whether the method is abstract or not.
isAbstract() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Returns true, because interfaces are always abstract.
isAbstract() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Returns whether the object is abstract or not.
isArray() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns whether the identifier is an array or not.
isArray() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns whether the field is an array or not.
isClassDefinition() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Returns whether or not this object defines a class or not.
isClassDefinition() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Returns that this class is a class definition.
isFinal - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Is the method final? Default = false.
isFinal - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Is the field final? Default = false.
isFinal - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Is the class final? Default = false.
isFinal() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns whether the method is final or not.
isFinal() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns whether the field is final or not.
isFinal() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Returns whether the object is final or not.
isInterface - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Is the method part of an interface? Default = false.
isInterface() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns whether the method is part of an interface or not.
isInterfaceDefinition() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Returns whether or not this object defines an interface or not.
isInterfaceDefinition() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Returns that this class is an interface definition.
isNative - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Is the method native? Default = false.
isNative() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns whether the method is native or not.
isPackageAccess() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
Returns true if the receiver represents package access.
isPrivate() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
Returns true if the receiver represents private access.
isProtected() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
Returns true if the receiver represents protected access.
isPublic() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
Returns true if the receiver represents public access.
isStatic - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Is the method static? Default = false.
isStatic - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Is the field static? Default = false.
isStatic() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns whether the method is static or not.
isStatic() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns whether the field is static or not.
isStrict - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Does the object need to guarantee strictfp? Default = false.
isStrict() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Returns whether the object needs strictfp or not.
isSynchronized - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Is the method synchronized? Default = false.
isSynchronized() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Returns whether the method is synchronized or not.
isTransient - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Is the field transient? Default = false.
isTransient() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns whether the field is transient or not.
isVolatile - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Is the field volatile? Default = false.
isVolatile() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns whether the field is volatile or not.


JavaAccessModifier - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier.
This class represents a Java access control modifier.
JavaClassDefinition - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition.
This class is used to define the attributes of a Java class.
JavaClassDefinition(JavaType) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified Java class type.
JavaClassDefinition(JavaType, JavaType) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified Java class type and superclass type.
JavaClassDefinition(JavaType, JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified Java class type, superclass type, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaClassDefinition(JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified Java class type, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaClassDefinition(String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified class name.
JavaClassDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, boolean, boolean, JavaType, JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java class type, superclass type, list of implemented interfaces, whether the class is abstract or final, and whether the object needs strictfp floating-point calculations.
JavaClassDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, boolean, JavaType, JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java class type, superclass type, list of implemented interfaces, and whether the class is abstract or final.
JavaClassDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, and Java class type.
JavaClassDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType, JavaType) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java class type, and superclass type.
JavaClassDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType, JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java class type, superclass type, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaClassDefinition(String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified class name, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaClassDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified class name and superclass name.
JavaClassDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, superclass name, list of implemented interfaces, whether the class is abstract or final, and whether the object needs strictfp floating-point calculations.
JavaClassDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, superclass name, list of implemented interfaces, and whether the class is abstract or final.
JavaClassDefinition(String, String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified class name, superclass name, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaClassDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, and class name.
JavaClassDefinition(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, and superclass name.
JavaClassDefinition(String, String, String, String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Constructs a JavaClassDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, superclass name, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaConstructorDefinition - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition.
This class is used to define the attributes of a Java constructor method.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, String, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, String, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, and code block.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified class name, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified class name, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified class name and code block.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, String, String, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, String, String, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaConstructorDefinition(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Constructs a JavaConstructorDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, class name, and code block.
JavaDefinition - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition.
This class is used to define a set of attributes common to many parts of a Java source file.
JavaDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Constructs a JavaDefinition with the specified comment and access control modifier.
JavaDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Constructs a JavaDefinition with the specified comment and access control modifier.
JavaDefinitionTest - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinitionTest.
JavaDefinitionTest(String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinitionTest
JavaFieldDefinition - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition.
This class is used to define the attributes of a Java field.
JavaFieldDefinition(JavaIdentifier) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified field identifier.
JavaFieldDefinition(JavaIdentifier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified field identifier, and whether a getter and/or setter should be generated.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, JavaIdentifier, String, boolean, boolean, JavaAccessModifier, JavaAccessModifier) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field identifier, initializer, whether the field is static, final or both, whether the field is transient, volatile or both, whether a getter and/or setter should be generated, and the access control modifiers for the getter and setter.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, boolean, JavaIdentifier, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field identifier, initializer, and whether the field is static, final or both.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, boolean, JavaIdentifier, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field identifier, initializer, whether the field is static, final or both, and whether a getter and/or setter should be generated.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, boolean, JavaIdentifier, String, boolean, boolean, JavaAccessModifier, JavaAccessModifier) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field identifier, initializer, whether the field is static, final or both, whether a getter and/or setter should be generated, and the access control modifiers for the getter and setter.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaIdentifier) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, and field identifier.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaIdentifier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field identifier, and whether a getter and/or setter should be generated.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaIdentifier, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field identifier, and initializer.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified field type, and field name.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified field type, field name and whether a getter and/or setter should be generated.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field type, field name, initializer, whether the field is static, final or both, whether the field is transient, volatile or both, whether a getter and/or setter should be generated, and the access control modifiers for the getter and setter.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field type, field name, initializer, and whether the field is static, final or both.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field type, field name, initializer, whether the field is static, final or both, and whether a getter and/or setter should be generated.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field type, field name, initializer, whether the field is static, final or both, whether a getter and/or setter should be generated, and the access control modifiers for the getter and setter.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field type, and field name.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field type, field name and whether a getter and/or setter should be generated.
JavaFieldDefinition(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Constructs a JavaFieldDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, field type, field name, and initializer.
JavaFunctionDefinition - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition.
This class defines the common attributes of a Java function definition.
JavaFunctionDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Constructs a JavaFunctionDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaFunctionDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Constructs a JavaFunctionDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaFunctionDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Constructs a JavaFunctionDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, and code block.
JavaFunctionDefinition(String, String, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Constructs a JavaFunctionDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaFunctionDefinition(String, String, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Constructs a JavaFunctionDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaFunctionDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Constructs a JavaFunctionDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, and code block.
JavaIdentifier - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier.
This class represents a Java identifier.
JavaIdentifier(JavaType, int, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Constructs a JavaIdentifier with the specified type, name, and array dimension (if any).
JavaIdentifier(JavaType, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Constructs a JavaIdentifier with the specified type and name.
JavaIdentifier(String, int, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Constructs a JavaIdentifier with the specified type name, identifier name, and array dimension (if any).
JavaIdentifier(String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Constructs a JavaIdentifier with the specified type name and identifier name.
JavaIdentifier(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Constructs a JavaIdentifier with the specified package name, type name, identifier name, and array dimension (if any).
JavaIdentifier(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Constructs a JavaIdentifier with the specified package name, type name, and identifier name.
JavaInterfaceDefinition - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition.
This class is used to define the attributes of a Java interface.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(JavaType) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified Java interface type.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(JavaType, JavaType) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified Java interface type and superinterface type.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified interface name.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, JavaType, List, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, whether the object needs strictfp floating-point calculations, the Java interface type, list of superinterfaces, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, and Java interface type.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType, JavaType) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java interface type, and superinterface type.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType, JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java interface type, superinterface type, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java interface type, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType, List, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java interface type, list of superinterfaces, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified interface name and superinterface name.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, String, boolean, String, List, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, whether the object needs strictfp floating-point calculations, the interface name, list of superinterfaces, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, and interface name.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, String, String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, interface name, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, String, String, List, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, interface name, list of superinterfaces, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, interface name, and superinterface name.
JavaInterfaceDefinition(String, String, String, String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Constructs a JavaInterfaceDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, interface name, superinterface name, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaKeywordConstants - interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants.
This interface defines String constants for each of the Java reserved keywords used by the code generator.
JavaMethodDefinition - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition.
This class is used to define the attributes of a Java method.
JavaMethodDefinition(JavaIdentifier, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified method identifier, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(JavaIdentifier, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified method identifier, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(JavaIdentifier, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified method identifier and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, JavaIdentifier, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method identifier, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, code block, whether the method is abstract or final, whether the method is static, synchronized or both, and whether the method is native.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, JavaIdentifier, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method identifier, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, code block, whether the method is abstract or final, and whether the method is static, synchronized or both.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaIdentifier, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method identifier, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaIdentifier, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method identifier, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaIdentifier, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method identifier, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method return type, method name, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, code block, whether the method is abstract or final, whether the method is static, synchronized or both, and whether the method is native.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method return type, method name, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, code block, whether the method is abstract or final, and whether the method is static, synchronized or both.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, String, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified method return type, method name, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, String, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified method return type, method name, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified method return type and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, String, String, String, List, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method return type, method name, list of formal parameters, list of thrown exceptions, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, String, String, String, List, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method return type, method name, list of formal parameters, and code block.
JavaMethodDefinition(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Constructs a JavaMethodDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, method return type, method name, and code block.
JavaObjectDefinition - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition.
This class defines the common attributes of an object definition.
JavaObjectDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, boolean, JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Constructs a JavaObjectDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, whether the object needs strictfp floating-point calculations, the Java object type, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaObjectDefinition(String, JavaAccessModifier, JavaType, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Constructs a JavaObjectDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, Java object type, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaObjectDefinition(String, String, boolean, String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Constructs a JavaObjectDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, whether the object needs strictfp floating-point calculations, the object name, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaObjectDefinition(String, String, String, List) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Constructs a JavaObjectDefinition with the specified comment, access control modifier, object name, and list of implemented interfaces.
JavaPrimitiveConstants - interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants.
This interface defines String constants for each of the Java primitive data types.
JavaSourceFile - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile.
This class represents the structure of a Java source file.
JavaSourceFile(String, JavaObjectDefinition) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Creates a new JavaSourceFile instance with the given root source directory and object definition.
JavaType - class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType.
This class represents a Java data type.
JavaType(String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Constructs a JavaType with the specified type name.
JavaType(String, String) - Constructor for class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Constructs a JavaType with the specified package name and type name.


LINE_DELIMITERS - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The delimiters to use to tokenize by line.
LONG - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants
LONG_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The long primitive data type.


methodIdentifier - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
methods - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
A list of methods, expressed as JavaMethodDefinition objects.
MIDDLE_JAVADOC - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The String representing the beginning of a multi-line javadoc comment.
modifierFor(String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
Returns the appropriate static field for the given access modifier string.


NATIVE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
needsGetter - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Generate a getter method? Default = false.
needsGetter() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns whether a getter method should be generated to access the field.
needsGetter(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Set whether a getter method should be generated to access the field.
needsSetter - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Generate a setter method? Default = false.
needsSetter() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Returns whether a setter method should be generated to access the field.
needsSetter(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Set whether a setter method should be generated to access the field.
NEW - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
NEWLINE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The String representation to use for a logical newline.
newlineBeforeBrace() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Opening braces will now appear on a line by themselves when a new block is started.
NULL - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants


objectDefinition - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
The class or interface specification for the source file.
objectName - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
The object, defined as a Java type.
org.arch4j.generator - package org.arch4j.generator


PACKAGE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
PACKAGE_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
The default or package access control modifier.
packageName - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
The package this source file belongs to.
parameters - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
A list of formal parameters, expressed as JavaIdentifier objects.
PRIVATE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
PRIVATE_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
The private access control modifier.
PROTECTED - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
PROTECTED_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
The protected access control modifier.
PUBLIC - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
PUBLIC_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
The public access control modifier.


RETURN - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants


setAbstract(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Set whether the method is abstract or not.
setAbstract(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Set whether the object is abstract or not.
setAccessModifier(JavaAccessModifier) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Set the access control modifier.
setClassComment(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Set the class comment for the source file.
setComment(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Set the comment.
setCopyrightComment(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Set the copyright comment for the source file.
setExceptions(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Set the list of exceptions that are thrown by the function.
setFinal(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Set whether the method is final or not.
setFinal(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Set whether the field is final or not.
setFinal(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
Set whether the object is final or not.
setImplementedInterfaces(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Set the list of interfaces that are implemented by the object.
setImportFullClassNames(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Set whether fully qualified class names are used in import statements.
setInitializer(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Set the field's initializer.
setInterface(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Set whether the method is part of an interface or not.
setNative(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Set whether the method is native or not.
setObjectDefinition(JavaObjectDefinition) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Set the class or interface definition for the class file.
setPackageName(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Set the package name for the source file.
setParameters(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFunctionDefinition
Set the list of formal parameters that are passed to the function.
setSourcePath(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
Set the root source directory for the receiver.
setStatic(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Set whether the method is static or not.
setStatic(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Set whether the field is static or not.
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaObjectDefinition
Set whether the object needs strictfp or not.
setSuperInterfaces(List) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
Set the list of superinterfaces that the interface extends.
setSynchronized(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Set whether the method is synchronized or not.
setterAccessModifier - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
The setter's access modifier.
setTransient(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Set whether the field is transient or not.
setVolatile(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Set whether the field is volatile or not.
SHORT - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaPrimitiveConstants
SHORT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The short primitive data type.
SINGLE_COMMENT - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The String representing the beginning of a single-line comment.
sourcePath - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaSourceFile
The root source directory.
SPACE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The String representation to use for a space.
START_JAVADOC - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorConstants
The String representing the beginning of a javadoc comment.
startBlock() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Start a code block.
startBlock(Object) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Start a code block.
startBlock(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Start a code block.
startMultiLineComment() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Start a multi-line comment block.
STATIC - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
STRICTFP - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
STRING_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The commonly used String data type.
SUPER - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
superClassName - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
The superclass, defined as a Java type.
superInterfaces - Variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
A list of superinterfaces, expressed as JavaType objects.
SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants


tabIn() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Increment the current indentation level.
tabIn(int) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Increment the current indentation level by count levels.
tabInAndAppendLine(Object) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Increment the current indentation level and then append obj.
tabInAndAppendLine(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Increment the current indentation level and then append obj.
tabInAndAppendLine(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Increment the current indentation level and then append text.
tabInAndAppendLine(String, boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Increment the current indentation level and then append text.
tabOut() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Decrement the current indentation level.
tabOut(int) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Decrement the current indentation level by count levels.
tabOutAndAppendLine(Object) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Decrement the current indentation level and then append obj.
tabOutAndAppendLine(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Decrement the current indentation level and then append obj.
tabOutAndAppendLine(String) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Decrement the current indentation level and then append text.
tabOutAndAppendLine(String, boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Decrement the current indentation level and then append text.
testAccessModifier() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinitionTest
testCodeBuffer() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorTest
testEmbeddedCodeBuffer() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorTest
testIdentifier() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinitionTest
testJavaSourceFile() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorTest
testType() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinitionTest
testUtility() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.GeneratorTest
THIS - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
THROW - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
THROWS - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
toString() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Returns a String object representing this JavaType.
toString() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns a String object representing this JavaIdentifier.
toString() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaAccessModifier
Returns a String object representing this JavaAccessModifier.
toString() - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.CodeBuffer
Converts the data in this code buffer to a String.
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Returns a String object representing this JavaType.
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaIdentifier
Returns a String object representing this JavaIdentifier.
TRANSIENT - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
TRUE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
TRY - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
typeFor(String) - Static method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
Returns an appropriate JavaType for the given type name string.


VOID - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants
VOID_TYPE - Static variable in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaType
The commonly used void return type.
VOLATILE - Static variable in interface org.arch4j.generator.JavaKeywordConstants


writeDefinitionTo(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaMethodDefinition
Write the Java source representation of the method to the CodeBuffer.
writeDefinitionTo(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaInterfaceDefinition
writeDefinitionTo(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Write the Java source representation of the field to the CodeBuffer.
writeDefinitionTo(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaDefinition
Write the Java source representation of the definition to the CodeBuffer.
writeDefinitionTo(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaConstructorDefinition
Write the Java source representation of the constructor to the CodeBuffer.
writeDefinitionTo(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaClassDefinition
writeGetterTo(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Write the Java source representation of the getter to the CodeBuffer.
writeSetterTo(CodeBuffer) - Method in class org.arch4j.generator.JavaFieldDefinition
Write the Java source representation of the setter to the CodeBuffer.

Arch4J generator 1.1

Copyright © 2000-2004 SpiderLogic, a service of Wipfli Ullrich Bertelson LLP.